HtmL deScribeS tHe Structure of PageS - HACK.ME
Saturday, February 28, 2015

HtmL deScribeS tHe Structure of PageS

 To describe the structure of a web page, we add code to the words we want to appear on the page.
You can see the HTML code for this page below. Don't worry about what the code means yet.  Note that the HTML code is in blue, and the text you see on screen is in black.

  <h1>This is the Main Heading</h1>
  <p>This text might be an introduction to the rest of     the page. And if the page is a long one it might     be split up into several sub-headings.<p> 
 <h2>This is a Sub-Heading</h2>
<p>Many long articles have sub-headings so to help     you follow the structure of what is being written.     There may even be sub-sub-headings (or lower-level     headings).</p>
  <h2>Another Sub-Heading</h2>
<p>Here you can see another sub-heading.
The HTML code (in blue) is made up of characters that live inside angled brackets — these are called HTML elements. Elements are usually made up of two tags: an opening tag and a closing tag. (The closing tag has an extra forward slash in it.) Each HTML element tells the browser something about the information that sits between its opening and closing tags.

Let's look closer at the code from the last page. There are several different elements. Each element has an opening tag and a closing tag.

Tags act like containers. They tell you something about the information that lies between their opening and closing tags.

a CLoSer Look at tagS 

HtmL deScribeS tHe Structure of PageS Reviewed by Vipula Dissanayake on 8:32:00 PM Rating: 5  To describe the structure of a web page, we add code to the words we want to appear on the page. You can see the HTML code for this page b...

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